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2024-2025 HMS Digital Response to Intervention Plan

Digital Response to Intervention Plan for Hurricane Middle School updated  for 2024-2025

School-Wide Digital Tool and Resource Use Expectations:

As part of this plan, we are familiar with and will abide by policies:

  • 0006
  • 3700
  • 3710
  • 3720
  • 3730

Tier I Digital Teaching and Learning:

●      Teachers circulate through the class whenever students are using devices.

●      Digital citizenship instruction is appropriately embedded into classroom lessons when technology is used as part of the lesson.

●      All students have full access to school tools and software in classes. No restrictions are used/enabled via device management for any student. With the sole exception of secure testing, a whole class may never have their monitoring account locked to a site or site(s). The lock feature is to be used for intervention purposes when students have disregarded or violated school-wide digital tool and resource use expectations. Interventions will take into account specific circumstances as determined by school leadership and on a student-by-student basis. The lock feature is to be utilized exactly as outlined above and according to the consequences outlined below.

●      Students could lose privileges for inappropriate use.

●      Teachers and leaders will communicate with and teach stakeholders that the district monitoring system is used as a tool that supports and encourages effective teaching and appropriate digital tool and resource use. Teachers help learners choose to engage in high quality teaching and learning experiences. This helps learners develop the skills that will enable them to act as responsible citizens, employees and adults.

Tier II Digital Teaching and Learning:

●      If a student disregards the school’s digital citizenship contract / policy 3700 during class, the student’s access will be restricted for the remainder of the class period.

●      If the student continues to violate the digital citizenship contract / policy 3700 during subsequent classes, device access restrictions will be enabled until administration notifies the parent/guardian of the violation and a signed note* is returned.

*Signed note form detailed below

Tier III Digital Teaching and Learning:

Administration Involvement:

●      If a student disregards the school’s digital citizenship contract after teacher intervention, the teacher notifies the school administration of the problem. The administration notifies the parent/guardian. Device access restrictions are enabled on the student’s monitoring account until a signed note* is returned by the parent/guardian.

●      If a student continues to disregard the school’s digital citizenship contract, after a parent note* has been signed, the administration notifies the parent/guardian that the student will be suspended from classroom device use for the remainder of the school year in all classes, with the exception of required testing.

*Signed note form detailed below


Legal Violations for Digital Teaching and Learning:

●     Regardless of where location violation occurred, the device is immediately confiscated whether it is a school or personal device. (Personal devices may be confiscated, but may not be searched without parental permission)

●     The device is placed in a secure location and nothing is done to the device until the School Administrator receives instructions from the District’s Network and Security Manager (or authorized designee) or in the case of a personal device, it is retrieved by a parent or guardian.

●     The student is sent immediately to school office.

Student Personal Devices:

●     Student use of electronic devices is prohibited during class time, except at the specific request of the teacher for instructional purposes. Students are strongly encouraged to leave electronic devices at home. If a student chooses to bring electronic devices to school, they must remain out of sight and in silent mode or turned off during the entire class period. Students may, however, choose to access their electronic devices outside of the classroom, before school, during lunch, or after school. Devices are not allowed in the library at any time.

Supporting Resources:

●     Unified Classroom curriculum modules and courses

●     Impero Device Monitoring tool (used for monitoring with the intent to teach, not control)

●     Parental Acknowledgement of Digital Citizenship Contract Violation


Parental Acknowledgement of Digital Citizenship Contract Violation

I,                                                                   , understand that my student                                                           (print parent/guardian name)                                                                      (print student name)

has violated the digital citizenship contract (3700). If any further violations occur, my student will be suspended from classroom device use for the remainder of the school year in all classes, with the exception of required testing.


Signed:                                                                         Date: