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CC Minutes March 2, 2022

In Attendance;

Chris Homer (Principal)

Kelli Bringhurst (Staff Developer)

Jameson Soreson (teacher)

Melissa Wadsworth (Counselor and parent)

Paula Beatty


Nathan Reeve,

Sheri Beatty,

Martha Gubler


Items of business:

Introduce the New Principal-Shaun Jaggi

2019-2022 STL/TSSA Expenditures

2020-2021 School Expenditures ideas and plan


Next meeting will be April 6, 2022 at 3 pm in the conference room.


CC March 2, 2022 Agenda

Community Council Meeting Agenda – 3/2/2020

HMS Main Office Conference Room

3:00-4:00 PM

3:00 PM Treats – Thanks Paula!

3:05 Welcome – Chair Summer Johnson.

3:05 PM Chris Homer

  • Introduction of Members:
    • Introduction of Members

Summer Johnson (Chair) Sheri Beatty (Vice-Chair)

Nathan Reeve Davis Eves

Martha Gubler Harmony Vanderhorst

Melissa Wadsworth   Kelli Bringhurst

Jamison Sorenson   Paula Beatty (Secretary)

  • Community Council Norms
    • We commit to follow the agenda and stay focused on the topics at hand.
    • We will focus on improving issues rather than complaining about them.
    • We commit to carefully considering each perspective, and not dominating discussions.
    • We commit using State Trust Land Funds to support the greatest academic need.

  • Items of business:
    • Proposed Meeting Schedule for 19-20 School Year
  1. 4/6/22
  2. TBA – If needed.

3:20 PM Chris Homer

  • New Principal of HMS
      • Shaun Jaggi
  • 2019-2020 STL/TSSA Expenditures:
    • See Handout
  • 2020-2021 School Expenditures Ideas and Plan.
      • See Back of this page.
  • You will be sent an email asking if you were part of the decision making process.
    • E signature needed.

Topics for next meeting: Review Submitted HMS SLT Plan

Next Meeting Scheduled for – 4/6/22 @ 3:00 PM

21-22 Trust Lands and TSSA Spend Plan

Expected Distribution of Funds 2022-2023:

SLT $112,000.00

TSSA $146,000.00


  • Additional Sections of:
    • 2.5 Sections Math/CS – Vacancy $15,000
    • 1 Section LA 8 – Lee $11,000
    • 1 Section LA 9 – Sorenson $9,500
    • 1 Section Science 9 – Healey $10,000
    • 1 Section Science 9 – Baker $9,500
    • 1 Section Science 8 – Carter $11,500
    • .5 Section Science 8 – Rahde $5,000
    • 1 Section Learning Coach – TBD $10,000


Sub-Total: $81,500


  • Paraprofessionals
    • Special Education Paraprofessional (27.5 Hours a week) $15,500
    • At-Risk and Attendance Tracker (15 Hours a week) $12,500


Sub-Total: $28,000

Grand Total: $109,500.00

TSSA (Teacher Student Success Act):

  • Additional Counseling hours
    •  Melissa Wadsworth – (4 Days a week) $26,000
  • Extra Support Periods/Paras 
    • 1 Section Study Skills Intervention – Gubler $11,500
  • ESL/ELL (Full Time + Benefits 35 Hours a week) $29,500
  • Technology:
    • Hardware
      • Classroom sets of Chromebooks $15,000
      • Chromebook Licenses $10,000
      • Teacher Computers & Laptops $7,000
    • Software
      • ALEKS – Math $8000
      • No Red Ink – ELA $9000
      • Lexia ESL $3000
  • High Ability Extensions
    • Math Counts $500
  • Field Trips $2000

Dixie ACT for ESL & SPED

ELA – Poetry Field Trip


  • Credit Recovery Scholarships – 9th Grade $4000
  • Tier 3 Homerooms $3000
    • Tier 3 Incentives
  • Teacher Professional Development. $3000
    • Registration,travel, substitutes, materials
  • Habitudes 
    • School-wide Social Emotional Learning Program $3000
  • After School Tutoring Program $2000
    • Pay Current Teachers an hourly wage to tutor
  • Fine Arts & Music Support
    • Band TBD
    • Orchestra $3500
    • Choir $3000
    • Guitar TBD
    • Percussion TBD


TOTAL $143,500.00


CC minutes Feb 2, 2022

In Attendance; Chris Homer (Principal)

Kelli Bringhurst (Staff Developer)

Jameson Soreson (teacher)

Melissa Wadsworth (Counselor and parent)

Paula Beatty

Parents: Summer Johnson (Chair)

Nathan Reeve,

Sheri Beatty,

Harmony Vanderhorst


Items of business:

2020-2021 Proficiency Scores

2020-2022 Language Arts District Assessment Data

SLT/TSSA Expenditures

2021-2022 School Expenditures Ideas

Encourage committee members to be to the meeting on March 2nd. We will be discussing on where the best use of the money would benefit the school/students.


CC Agenda February 2, 2022

Community Council Meeting Agenda – 2/2/2022

HMS Conference Room

3:00-4:00 PM

3:00 PM   Treats – Thanks Paula!

3:05 PM         Welcome – Chair Summer Johnson.

3:05 PM   Chris Homer – Thank you for being a part of our SCC! 

Introduction of Members:

  • Introduction of Members

Summer Johnson (Chair) Sheri Beatty (Vice-Chair)

Nathan Reeve Davis Eves

Martha Gubler Harmony Vanderhorst

Melissa Wadsworth   Kelli Bringhurst

Jamison Sorenson   Paula Beatty (Secretary)

Community Council Norms

  • We commit to follow the agenda and stay focused on the topics at ha
  • We will focus on improving issues rather than complaining about them.
  • We commit to carefully considering each perspective, and not dominating discussions.
  • We commit using State Trust Land Funds to support the greatest academic need. 

Items of business:

  • Proposed Meeting Schedule for 20-21 School Year 1. 3/2/22 (Our Most Important Meeting)
  1. 4/6/22
  2. TBA – If needed.

3:20 PM   Chris Homer

2020-2021 Proficiency Scores:

See TV screen for 20-21 Data

No new growth scores yet.

See TV screen for 18-19 Data (Pre-Covid Data

2020-2022 LA Quick Write District Assessment Data

See TV screen

STL/TSSA Expenditures:

See TV Screen to see this years SLT/TSSA document

Current – School Student Numbers.

9th = 438

8th = 402 (Valley Academy = 38)

7th = 384

6th = 389

21-22 School Expenditures Ideas.

Topics for next meeting: Use of STL $ at HMS for 2020-2021School Year

Next Meeting Scheduled for – 3/2/22 @ 3:00 PM

21-22 Spending Thoughts and Ideas:

Expected Distribution of Funds 2022-2023:

SLT $112,000.00

TSSA $146,000.00

Additional Sections of:

Math 8 & 9

LA 8 & 9

Science 8 & 9

Special Ed.



Special Education 

ESL/ELL (Full Time = Benefits)

At-Risk and Attendance Tracker

NEW – After School Tutoring Program

Pay Current Teachers an hourly wage to tutor

High Ability Extensions

Math Counts

Science Olympiad

Lego League

Music Help





Academic Field Trips


Classroom sets of Chromebooks (COWs)


ALEKS – Math

No Red Ink – ELA

Turn It In -ELA

Voces – Spanish

Lexia ESL

3D Printers & 3D Scanners

Teacher Professional Development.

Credit Recovery Scholarships

Tier 3 Homerooms

Tier 3 Incentives

Additional Learning Coach Period(s)

Habitudes Social Emotional Learning Program

Additional Counseling hours for Melissa Wadsworth

CC Minutes Dec 1, 2021

School Land Trust/Community Council Meeting

December 1st 2021

In attendance:

Chris Homer (Principal)

Melissa Wadsworth (Counselor & Parent)

Paula Beatty (Sec)

Parents: Martha Gubler,

Sherri Beatty (Vice-Chair)

Summer Johnson (Chair)

Harmony Vanderhorst

Items of business:

1)   Review of member responsibilities

2)  Growth and proficiency scores

3)  STL/TSSA Expenditures

4) Digital Citizenship Responsibilies

5)  Think about 22-23 School Expenditures

Next Meeting 2/2/22

CC Agenda Dec 1, 2021

Community Council Meeting Agenda – 12/1/2021

HMS Main Office Conference Room

3:00-4:00 PM

3:00 PM  Treats – Thanks Paula!

3:05 PM   Welcome – Chairman Summer Johnson

3:05 PM Chris Homer

  •  Introduction of Members:

Summer Johnson (Chair) Sheri Beatty (Vice-Chair)

Nathan Reeve Davis Eves

Martha Gubler Harmony Vanderhorst

Melissa Wadsworth   Kelli Bringhurst

Jamison Sorenson   Paula Beatty (Secretary)

  • Community Council Norms

o    We commit to follow the agenda and stay focused on the topics at hand.

o    We will focus on improving issues rather than complaining about them.

o    We commit to carefully considering each perspective, and not dominating discussions.

o    We commit using State Trust Land Funds to support the greatest academic need.

  • Items of business:

Proposed Meeting Schedule for 21-22 School Year

  • 2/2/22 Wednesday 3 PM
  • 3/2/22 Wednesday 3 PM
  • 4/6/22 (If needed) Wednesday 3 PM

3:20 PM   Mr. Homer

    • Review of Member Responsibilities 
      • Handouts
    • Growth and Proficiency Scores: 
      • Data Gateway
      • Greatest Academic Need
    • STL/TSSA Expenditures: 
      • See TSSA/SLT Plan
        • Schoollandtrust
        • Resources
        • Contacts for Districts and Schools
        • Public Reports
    • Digital Citizenship Responsibilities: 
      • Video from the State – YouTube. 
      • See WCSD Measures of Protection 
      • HMS Device Policy
  • Start to think about the 22-23 School Expenditures.


Topics for next meeting: School Safety Plan

Next Meeting Scheduled for – 2/2/22 @ 3:00 PM


Community Council Oct 5, 2021 Minutes

In attendance:

Chris Homer:Principal,

Jamison Sorenson:Teacher,

Melissa Wadsworth, parent & school Counselor,

Kelli Bringhurst: Staff Developer,

Parents are David Eves,

Harmony Vanderhorst,

Summer Esplin,

Sherri Beatty

Topics of discussion:

*Introduction of member

*Intro to SLT money video

*Goal, is to focus on improving issues not complaining about them

*Talked about School-Wide Goals

*Make decisions for spending funds based on our greatest academic need

*Start to think about the 21-22 School expenditures

Next meeting December 1, 2021

Community Council Oct 5, 2021

Community Council Meeting Agenda – 10/5/2021

HMS Main Office Conference Room

3:00-4:00 PM

3:00 PM     Welcome 

 Introduction of Members:

Summer Johnson (Chair) Sheri Beatty (Vice-Chair)

Nathan Reeve David Eves

Martha Gubler Harmony Vanderhorst

Melissa Wadsworth Kelli Bringhurst

Jamison Sorenson Paula Beatty (Secretary)

Community Council Norms

  • We will focus on improving issues rather than complaining about them.
  • We commit to follow the agenda and stay focused on the topics at hand.
  • We commit to carefully considering each perspective, and not dominating discussions.
  • We commit to using State Trust Land Funds to support the greatest academic need at HMS.


Check Email and Phone Number – See Membership and Signature Form

Please sign the 20-21 SLT Carryover Amendment to be presented to the WCSD Board.

Items of business:

Proposed Meeting Schedule for 19-20 School Year

  1. 10/5/2021 Tuesday 3 PM
  2. 12/1/2021 Wednesday 3 PM
  3. 2/2/2022 Wednesday 3 PM
  4. 3/2/2022 Wednesday 3 PM
  5. 4/6/2022 Wednesday 3 PM

3:20 PM     Chris Homer


  • Intro to SLT videos 
    • 1. Utah School and Institutional Trust system overview 
    • 2. Utah’s Education Endowment
  • Training Packet    

Current School Trust Lands Plan HMS 21-22 Review

Our number one goal – Make decisions for spending funds based on our greatest academic need

Start to think about the 20-21 School Expenditures. HMS will receive approximately $95,000

Next Community Council Meeting: 12/2/20 @ 3:00 PM

TOPIC: School Safety and Digital Citizenship Responsibilities & TSSA or School Improvement Plan.